Meta description – Have you been worried about how to thread a sewing machine because you have never done it before? Don’t be. Our detailed step by step guide is here to help you out.

Are you a beginner who has never used a sewing machine before and has no idea how to thread it? Well, then you’re at the right page because we are at your service. In this article, we are going to give you a step-by-step guide on how to thread a sewing machine.

Working on a sewing machine for the first time can seem intimidating. It comes with a whole mechanism that no first-timer will be able to understand in a swift. But worry not, it only looks intimidating. Threading a sewing machine is only as difficult as you may think. With proper guidance and step-by-step review, you will be able to interject your thread with ease and superiority.

So, brush off your machine, pick up a thread and read through our guide. We will be talking about each and everything you need to keep in perspective when threading your sewing machine.

Most people don’t spend anytime sewing is because they find this very first point too difficult to conclude. However, with the help of our guide and additional tips, you will be back to sewing your classy outfits in no time.

How To Thread A Sewing Machine?

Before you start the entire threading process, here are a few things we would like you to do.

  • Check your sewing machine’s instruction manual. It will have a detailed diagram of the entire threading system which will make the process a whole lot easier.

  • Choose the color of the thread you’d like to use and fill the bobbin as well.

  • We recommend using Coates and Rasant as they are high quality threads and appropriate for most fabrics.

Step By Step Guide To Thread Your Sewing Machine!

Moving on, let’s start the process of threading.

Start With The Top Spool

Put your thread roll on the top spool and adjust it with cotton. Depending on your sewing machine, your spool might be lying down or upright. Some machines also come with plastic discs that you can put on top of the spool. This will keep the spool from flying off to the corners of your room once you start sewing.

Guide Your Thread

Once the thread roll has been adjusted, it’s time for you to guide your thread. There is a thread guide at the top of the sewing machine, you will have to pull the thread through it. If you have a Brother machine, it’s thread guide is usually larger as compared to other sewing machine so it’s won’t be difficult for you. Some machines have a small button knob like a guide that is a bit difficult to adjust your thread in.

Go Around The Tension Knob

Moving on, keep pulling the thread towards yourself and wrap it around the tension knob that is hovering down. There will be a few tension discs on the knob that you will have to go around.

Up Next Second Thread Guide

Now that you have gone around the tension knob, pull your thread over to the second thread guide. This guide looks like a lever with an eye. You will have to crossover the thread through the eye and it will make the thread form a U-shape.

Bring It Down To The Needle Hook

Now bring the thread down to the needle hook. You will probably find another thread guide down here. Follow your thread through the guide and bring it to the needle eye.

Time To Thread The Needle

Now this is the last step of the machine. Thread your needle from front to the back. In case you’re having difficulty with this, take a look at some of the additional tips we have mentioned at the end of this guide.

Load Bobbin

Time to load your bobbin according to the manual instructions. There are two types of bobbin boxes usually. Some go straight to fixed point from the top of the machine whereas some have to inserted sideways.

After the bobbin’s been inserted, turn the wheel towards you so the thread gets stuck with it. You can bring the bobbin thread on top of the machine by moving your needle in and out.

Push The Thread To The Back

Once both the threads have been taken out, push them at the back of the needle for a smooth sewing experience.

Additional Tips For Threading Your Sewing Machine!

Threading the sewing machine isn’t as difficult as threading the needle. We know how difficult it is to pass a piece of cotton through the needle. Here are some additional tips that can help you out.

  • If you wear glasses then put them on before threading the needle, it will give you a clearer view.

  • Don’t forget to trim the thread end for easy insertion.

  • We also suggest wetting the thread end a bit. When it’s moist, it’s much easier to go through the needle.

  • If your machine has extra light, turn it on. It will give you the extra light you need to thread conveniently.

  • There are also a few needle gadgets available in the market that you can get for yourself.


So, this is everything we had on how to thread a sewing machine. Hopefully, this guide has been thoroughly helpful to you and now you know everything you have to do to get started.

Threading a sewing machine is only going to seem difficult the first time you do it. But, once you start practicing on a regular basis, it will become an automated process and you won’t even realize when you threaded your machine and how easily you did it.

If there are any other tips or tricks that you’d like us to know about, don’t forget to leave us with your feedback. We would love to hear if this guide was able to help you out or not.

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